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About The Darius Paduch Case

Darius Paduch, a predator male Urologist at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, has been criminally indicted for abusing and taking advantage of several underage and adult patients. The allegations against Paduch involve a pattern in which he performed invasive and unnecessary "diagnostic techniques" under the guise of medical treatment and education.

The discovery of Paduch's abuse has led to numerous civil lawsuits, with dozens of more patients coming forward since the first lawsuit was filed in December.

Darius Paduch's sexual abuse is part of a long-standing pattern of violating patient trust at Columbia and NYPH. Patient safety should be a top priority, yet NYPH prioritized reputation over patient well-being, allowing serial predators to harm unsuspecting patients.

It is not enough for these violations of trust to simply be acknowledged and swept under the rug. Accountability and justice are crucial for victims of Paduch's abuse and all patients failed by violations of trust.

We can pursue your case confidentially without disclosing your identity. Your personal information and story will not be publicly disclosed.

About Your Future Legal Team - Anthony DiPietro:

With over 30 years of experience, Mr. DiPietro is a highly respected and skilled attorney in the field of sexual abuse litigation. Our firm is dedicated to providing a comprehensive support system and exceptional representation in court, as we understand how challenging it can be for victims to come forward and share their experiences.

At our law firm, we believe that legal representation should go beyond the courtroom. We are proud to be the first law firm in the country to offer free counseling and support services with psychologists, therapists, and social workers to help our clients manage the emotional challenges of sexual abuse litigation.

DiPietro is the only US attorney litigating against Columbia University for over a decade, securing a record-setting $236M settlement for clients against Columbia University, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, and Robert Hadden.

We also understand the importance of confidentiality. Your reports and inquiries are protected by state and federal whistleblower laws.

Remember, you're not alone anymore. We're here to help you navigate this challenging time and seek the justice you deserve.


Yes, the deadline is fast approaching. The New York Adult Survivors Act sets time limits for filing lawsuits, but there is still time to file.

Yes, you can! By default, we will keep your identity anonymous. We will only use your actual name if you direct us to do so. Otherwise, you will be listed as Jane or John Doe.

No, we work on a contingency basis, which means you won't have to pay us anything unless we win. If we don't win, then you don't owe us anything. If we do win, New York law limits the legal fees to 33 1/3% of the amount we recover for you. But again, if we don't win, you won't have to pay anything.

If you're unsure whether you were a victim of Dr. Paduch, please know that it's not your fault. Predators like him can be skilled at making their abuse seem like part of a normal medical exam. If you think you may have been exploited by Dr. Paduch, please fill out the survey form above, and 1 of our Paduch case experts will be in contact with you soon. All consultations are 100% free and confidential.

Yes, we understand how difficult it can be to come forward as a victim of sexual abuse. That's why we're the first law firm in the country to offer free counseling and support services with psychologists, therapists, and social workers to help you manage the emotional challenges of sexual abuse litigation. Whether you need help completing forms or regular therapy sessions, we're here to support you every step of the way.